George Bush was born on July 6, 1946, is the forty third and is now the current President of the United States of America, originally commence officially on January 20, 2000. Bush was first elected in the 2000 presidential election, and reelected for a second term in the 2004 presidential election. Right after graduating from college, George Bush worked in his family's oil businesses before making a disastrous run for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1978. He later owned the Texas Rangers baseball team with partners before returning to politics in a campaign for Governor of Texas. He defeated his opponent Ann Richards and was elected Governor of Texas in 1994. Bush won the presidency in 2000 as the Republican candidate.As president, Bush signed into law a $1.35 trillion tax cut program in 2001, and in 2002 the No Child Left Behind Act. In October 2001, after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Bush announced a global War on Terrorism and ordered an invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban, destroy Al Qaeda, and to capture Osama bin Laden. In March 2003, Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq, which became known that Iraq was in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1441 and that the war was necessary for the protection of the United States.Running with a war president personality in the middle of the Iraq War, Bush was reelected on November 2, 2004. Bush's presidential campaign against John Kerry was successful regardless of controversy over Bush's prosecution of the Iraq War and domestic issues. After his reelection, Bush received increasing criticism from certain individuals. His domestic approval has ranged from 90 percent to a low of 24 percent, the lowest level for any president in 35 years of presidential sitting.
Did George Bush cheat in the election?
Is George Bush hiding documents?
What does George Bush really think of the U.S.A?